Monday, November 30, 2009

Ima prankster from da hood...give me LARYNGITIS

Mepisha here. Ever had one of those days where there's so much goodness and so much badness all at once? it's so weird when that happens. like today. it was wicked boring, and i am stifled in this small apartment in this small town. and yet, i am watching Dan In Real Life, making paper snowflakes and paper chains, blogging, avoiding homework, and all other sorts of loveliness. I am supposed to give a speech tomorrow. My grade in that class is totally riding on the speech I give tomorrow. But I do not want to give it. I've been prying I get Laryngitis.
Please pray for me. I really want a horrible case of Laryngitis by the time I wake up in the morning. Most people don't wish for that. But life would be so good if I could just be stricken with Laryngitis. Between 6 and 11:30am is really the only time I need it.
Ahh to have would be so useful in such desperate times as these!
Other wonderful things: making jello castles with stolen spoons in them. We, as an apartment, have slowly been stealing the spoons from this cabin where 12 guys live. They are totally out of spoons. They can no longer enjoy bowls of cereal unless eaten with a fork. So we decided to suspend the spoons in domes of jello, and assemble the domes and shapes into a castle. Best idea ever. We have yet to perform the sneaky return of the spoons. But I know it will be sooo great. Can you IMAGINE getting a castle of jello delivered on your doorstep? Filled with spoons you have been missing for over a month? AHAHA oh man. I wish other pranksters were as brilliant as us.


So what if i like carbs? Im just a big fan of pourus bread. Will someone call the one please? I need the one, he will understand. - Cunice

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Do not click on the words that are bolded and underlined and are ads that lead you to there websites! That is how i cunice got into this mess in the first place!

My very first, internet purchase, with the card of debit.

Please congratulate me. Me as in Cunice. For the first time in my life i fell for an online ad. It said it was free and I only had to pay shipping and handling. Lies! I was then apparently signed up for twelve dollars a month to some membership club i have never even heard of. I cant even tell you the name of it cause I just do not remember. Hopefully i got it all cleared up but then the debit card company called me to make sure i was the one spending money on this junk. Greatest phone call ever, shall i reinact. Hello mam? Yes - says myself. Have you recently ordered a colon cleanse? yes, yes i have. Have you also order this and this. I replied - I do not recall - because i did not recall ordering 1.50$ of unknown items. Oh, says the mam, i am pretty sure that comes with the colon clense. Alright have a nice day. Yes what a conversation. Well hopefully my colon cleanse will be arriving in the mail in 3-5 buisness days and then i will be on my way to a junk free colon for only 1.99$ of shipping and handling and then a bunch of other crudola that secretly came with the package and is draining my account. WEll i was bound to fall for one of the nifty comercials soon enough. Atleast i didnt buy like a hipoptomus or somthing because those are harder to control then a colon cleanse. I wont die right? I didnt order some cheap product that will send me to the ER in 3-5 buisness days right? Haha that would be a great death story to tell the other side. How did you die mam? Uhhh.... colon clense gone wrong. Oh hey me too! 

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Find Someone As Normal As You

As the great Mary Horrowitz said, "if you love him let him go. if you have to stalk him, he probably wasn't yours to begin with." She also said, "find someone who is as normal as you are." AKA find someone as crazy, beautiful, ugly, smart, stupid, poopy, funny, adventurous, cool (you get the point) as you are. Whatever good qualities you have, you will probably attract somebody with the same attributes or values. So if all you care about is having a hubby with a freakin' hot body, you should work on that as well. Hotties don't go for fatties. And if you're like us and are more into the personality stuff and want a man that has substance to him, have a personality of your own to back it up!
People are so stupid.
Like if you are a 5'4" guy, don't go after a girl that is 6'0". If i can't comfortably rest my head on his shoulder (without him standing on a chair), then he should realize that I'm out of his league. HELLO boys if you can't reach the top of my head with your elbow, I'm clearly out of reach and out of your league. That sounds harsh. But I'm just sayin' it how it is. This has only happened a few times. And by a few I mean 2 times. I'm not experienced with guys at all. But I'm quite the insightful person.
Anyway, today I was thinkin' to myself I really wish this missionary would write me back. But then I was like Mepisha, guys cannot control your life. They don't have power over you. YOU control how you feel. I mean, life happens, but you control how you feel about it. I guess that's enough from my insightful intuitive noggin. Mepisha out!

Friday, November 27, 2009

My Calling In Life....

Today was Thanksgiving and don’t get me wrong I love it, and my family is great people. My grandma gave me wise advice not to marry a skunk,(a real one or a boy that is stupid). And after driving my grandparents home my grandpa said, “You’re a great driver Hillary.” Hillary is my sister’s name. However today I was a bit conflicted, I figured out what I am meant to be in life, a Secret Spy Agent and Mrs. Claus. The discovery was made awhile ago that I am destined to be some sort of Secret Spy, I just know it deep down inside ya know? It’s like after you eat a piece of cake and then you are like hmm should I have another and you just know in your gut you are meant to have another, so you do. Every time I watch some sort of action movie I think that will be me one day but I will be so secretive that no one will make a movie out of my awesomeness. My only question is when does my mission begin, sure some organization like the CIA or FBI but bigger is following me and tracking my skills and such, but when are they going to kidnap me already and let me start the spy training. Even though we all know I won’t need much but some fighting skills would be nice to have. I suppose I just wish they would send me a postcard through air vents, or maybe even a message I could decode to let me know how to better prepare. (If you are wondering why I am telling you this if it’s supposed to be all secretive, I’m just gonna let you keep wondering because you won’t figure it out.) As for Mrs. Claus that’s easy, all I have to do is marry Santa’s grandson. I’ll probably settle into my spy life first and then meet him later down the road. Then I can easily be a Spy and Mrs. Claus at the same time, it would get busy around Christmas time but busy can be nice.

love, sholanda.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Crazy house loves to blog.

Cunice here. Life is better once you have become a blogger. How long have i been a blogger, 13 minutes and i am already madly in love. The great thing about Crazy house is even if the the crazy house builders arent united it is always crazy under the roofs of wherever we are. We naturally have a crazy glow. Some people have really nice skin, they just glow. Other people have really nice animal imitations, they just glow. Some people are really good at spelling words that other people didnt know existed, they just glow. We just glow, or maybe we don't, but we definatly are crazy, have crazy ideas, and do crazy things. I personally feel that you should dress in accordance to the day. Today is Thanksgiving, and so i felt it would be approriate to dress like an native american. But my mother disagreed. So i thought, pilgrim will do, but she wished i wouldn't. So i settled, I comprimised and i conquered. So i am not full fledged but you definatly can tell i am a fan of this holiday. Braids, cheetah head band, giant gold earings, a cold sore, a orange shirt with this nifty little braid at the top. and a brown skirt. Grateful for this day and the memories it creates and the clothes we get to wear, and the feeilngs we get to feel and the smiles we get to smile and the food we get to fill our intestines and then our stomahc and so on with. Grateful, gratitude, life, crazy.

Crazy House goes blog

Mepisha here. So we discovered blog stalking instead of Facebook stalking and it is beautiful. We came across a hilarious "man pad" blog and were completely inspired to copy them and create our own awesome blogs of our lives. So far not a ton of craziness at Crazy House because it's Thanksgiving, one of those sophisticated holidays where you should act all adult and respectful. We are, after all, adults. But 3 of my fingernails have polish MIA, and one of the semi-polished ones has 2 cracks/chips. tell me how that happens because I don't know. Wow. Blogging is SO much betta than Facebook. You can forget about checking my status updates on there, because this is golden.

Some Things You should know about Crazy House

We sarcastically compliment ourselves very often. If you ever see us say things like wow i looked so attractive today, we probably looked like a pile of dirt. Some people think we are serious but honestly you cant get much whiter then mepisha and therefore she probably isn't really a black goddess. We just say stuff like that to boost our self esteems and make ourselves giggle. We talk about our boy friends a lot but currently we are single. But maybe one day we could really have a boy friend and then you wouldn't know if we were serious or kidding but if you follow us you will understand. So we really are not full of ourselves, we are aware of our attractiveness. I mean okay so people don't stop us on the streets and tell us we should be in this years people magazine for most attractive female, but nobodies every vomited up a sea horse upon seeing our faces so i'd say we were about average. But we don't have average personalitites and that is a fact.

We are confident in who we are and like ourselves just the way we are. Okay maybe if I lost my inner tube id be a little more confident but who really cares about a little extra belly fat. I mean its comforting and it wouldn't be fun to poke our bellies and sing in a rytmatic pattern if i was super flat and had nice abs.

Our motto: The One Will Understand

explanation: Some people judge us. they dont like us to be who we are and they understand why we do things. Some times we just do things because it is joyous. and if you dont understand that then you are not the one. The one will understand and let us be crazy house.

If you have heard the rumor that members of the crazy house were in a band you are probably right

Band name: the Straws

hit songs you may not have heard: Ima Gangster, Smiling Faces On Credit Cards, and their newest single: Sweater Boys.


runt runt runt

favorite colors: mint, peach

i like to longboard, and if anyone would like to give me one for free that'd be great and i would let your worship me forever.

i'm really into music. ask me a band, i've probably heard of them and know their stuff. i'm working on mastering the guitar.

i love my cat. people are such haters, and it gives me a bad reputation. like who really wants to ask a girl out that loves her cat? it's my pet, don't hate appreciate. if anything that's a good sign. i'm a caring person.

i'm quiet at first but once you get to know me i'm freakin' hilarious. i'm sooo witty. people tell me i'm a riot.

i follow lots of tv shows. they are all just so good!

i love north carolina. and the beach. and snowboarding. and photography.

i aspire to be a secret agent, member of the FBI, and i will one day be mrs. claus


blah blah blah


yah yah yah

I am not a quiet person, bold is a nice world for me. I do not like being boring, no no no. Or quiet, no no no. If I have something to say, I will say it. I don't gossip because there is nothing I will say behind your back that I won't say to your face. I'm not into that whole "I'm a girl and I'm fake" thing.

I am kind of a sarcastic person. I am trying to tame myself a little because some people think I come off rude but I think I'm just being funny. I have to remember that people don't think like me.

My theme song for life is, I am what I am. I won't change my ways. I am Mepisha Crazy House and you aint neva had a friend like me.

You wouldn't think I can do the splits because I really dont like to exercise but I can. And yah exersise is not so fun. I play basketball and volleyball and softball I like sports just not the exercising for no reason stuff.

I don't put on makeup every day or even shower every day. I guess you could say I am really nice to the environment.. I conserve water like nobody's buisness. I make sure I don't smell, and all that hygiene stuff? It's just I feel like when I do actually get ready it will be more of a treat. A pleasant surprise. If I got ready every day then I would look the same everyday. But if I make myself look like an actual girl only every once in a while and for special occasions then I look better and its more joyful.

I really am quite pleased with old fashioned dressess, clothings and styles.  I am a bargain shopper. I feel if you have money then why not get more for less. I personally don't think you would look at me and think my entire outfit is under 13.50 but it very well could be. I am a shoe person. You can never have too many shoes. I do enjoy me some converse and vans so much. And my high top nikes. And I love me some nice pumps and some strappy sandals. And my orange gladiators. And some boots. Ok so I really love shoes. Everyone has their thing.

I love adventure and a good ole private dip in the skinny.

I laugh a lot. If i think something is funny I will laugh and it is not hard to make me laugh. There is so much to laugh within this world.

I am a black goddess.