Saturday, November 28, 2009

Find Someone As Normal As You

As the great Mary Horrowitz said, "if you love him let him go. if you have to stalk him, he probably wasn't yours to begin with." She also said, "find someone who is as normal as you are." AKA find someone as crazy, beautiful, ugly, smart, stupid, poopy, funny, adventurous, cool (you get the point) as you are. Whatever good qualities you have, you will probably attract somebody with the same attributes or values. So if all you care about is having a hubby with a freakin' hot body, you should work on that as well. Hotties don't go for fatties. And if you're like us and are more into the personality stuff and want a man that has substance to him, have a personality of your own to back it up!
People are so stupid.
Like if you are a 5'4" guy, don't go after a girl that is 6'0". If i can't comfortably rest my head on his shoulder (without him standing on a chair), then he should realize that I'm out of his league. HELLO boys if you can't reach the top of my head with your elbow, I'm clearly out of reach and out of your league. That sounds harsh. But I'm just sayin' it how it is. This has only happened a few times. And by a few I mean 2 times. I'm not experienced with guys at all. But I'm quite the insightful person.
Anyway, today I was thinkin' to myself I really wish this missionary would write me back. But then I was like Mepisha, guys cannot control your life. They don't have power over you. YOU control how you feel. I mean, life happens, but you control how you feel about it. I guess that's enough from my insightful intuitive noggin. Mepisha out!

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