Tuesday, December 8, 2009

noobs cannnot take a joke.

if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all. people should really live thumper's law. and they should definitely not text you hurtful, not nice things, especially if they include swear words. it was a harmless prank. so i put a little baby powder in your pillow so that a cloud would emerge when you lay your head down to sleep. how was i supposed to know that the rudest one in there would be allergic to baby powder? actual babies (the infant kind, not the pansy kind) aren't even allergic to baby powder! i even sincerely apologized. and i truly feel bad about causing an allergic reaction. it's just unfortunate because he and i were already on what you could call not the best of terms. i felt so harassed. i felt horrible. like crap. i was nauseous and on the verge of tears all day. so before i went to the library to work on homework (only to fall asleep at the computer and be stared at like a fool), i drove around for about 20 minutes and cried. 20 minutes of tears. that is a lot of tears. that's what rude boys do. they are noobs. i wish they could just take a joke. that prank really was so funny and so harmless. what a crappy day. at least ONE of them apologized for how he treated me. he's back on the nice list. the rest of that 12 boy cabin is pretty much on the naughty list. coal in their stockings. what the world needs now is love sweet love. i'm gonna go play some hoops. mepisha out.

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