Monday, December 7, 2009

silence kills. mission completed. ugly sweater victory.

i was not going to blog again today. who blogs twice in one day? i do apparently. but i am sitting in the silent part of the library. worst place EVER! who even likes the quiet? like dead silence. dead. associated to the words DEATH and DYING and DIE. sholanda likes the quiet. she chose our destination. i prefer noise. or music. or cute boys. she prefers cute boys too. but ugh, silence..blehhh. but looking at the stacks, the library is optimal for a secret agent mission. if it weren't for the hall monitors (or whatever these people with the wierd vests are) walking around, i would totally hop up from this little cubicle and do some ninja rolls and james bond moves. oh, and a spycam would be helpful.
we completed our prank back mission. pretty sure they left the doors unlocked and the lighs on just for us because they knew when we would come. they wanted it. it's almost as if they begged on their knees for us to strike back at that time. well, we did. i guess we're predictable. but whatever, our living room walls aren't covered in pink tablecloths, post-it notes, and jonas brothers pictures. our ceiling fans don't have tampons taped to them. we also don't have tampons or a dead squirrel in our christmas sage brush. (that's right, not a tree, a freakin sage brush.) we don't have pictures of us as the opposite sex on the wall, and our kitchen floor isn't covered with cups full of water and 3 goldfish. sad number of goldfish, eh? stupid walmart in rexburg only had 3 left. dumb. how could anyone run out of goldfish. it's preposterous. oh and then we were late to our ugly sweater ward party. we probably shouldn't have gone and then they wouldn't be so suspicious. but whatever, i won the contest for most colorful sweater. i was so far the winner, you could say it wasn't even a contest.
i love winning.

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