Monday, December 7, 2009

go eat some ramen

we left our apartment door unlocked yesterday. it was fatal. tragic. horrible. steamy. stinky. smelly. poopy. and by we, yes it was my co-fault. along with my roommate and co-faulter brittney. we are a religious people. if you've heard of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints aka the mormons, we are them. we like to be righteous and stuff like that. so we were running late to church and all of our roommates had left and were already in the car, planning on deserting us. in our hurry we forgot to turn the bolt.
these boys were good. one, namely chad, gave the opening prayer. all three, namely chad nate and jeff, all passed the sacrament. those same three walked straight out the back doors after passing the sacrament to go do the dirty deed. they returned, but only one, namely jeff, came back inside and bore his testimony on the day of fasting and bearing the testimonies. the other two, namely chad and nate, stayed out in the hall until sunday school. we didn't suspect a thing from them.
what did they do? i'll tell you what they did. but first how i came to discover we had been pranked. i received a cold about a week ago. blowing my nose has become a frequent activity for me. so i entered the bathroom to blow my nose. it was very hot and steamy in there. and stank a nasty stench. it smelled like urine soup. or a really bad shower. i found it unusual that our bathroom door was shut, for we rarely ever shut it. same with the shower curtain. bathrooms need to air out, and we let them do just that. so that was strange. also, it's never that hot or steamy in there unless it's right after someone showers. we all took night showers. i thought it was really weird. so i opened the shower curtain and lo and behold, our bathtub is filled. it is filled with noodles of ramen. THEY FILLED OUR TUBS WITH RAMEN NOODLES. ohh they suck. okay, it actually was a really good prank. but's payback time baby!!!
sincerely, mepisha.

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