Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Haps...

What up blogger world aka my sisters and possibly Wayne now? Just sittin' here watching Rear Window, the killer is coming, I repeat the killer is coming! Lisa is in jail. Everything is cray cray. He killed a dog last night. Why do they always have to kill the animals, I mean really So maybe you've wondered why this blog hasn't been posted on in over a year? It's because we're lazy. It's also because my bff jills went on missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! Mepisha is in Lyon, France and Cunice is in Nashville, Tennessee. So yup now I'm just a lone wolf, lone wolfing it. To be honest it took me quite awhile to actually log onto this blog, I blame Mepisha and her super duper long and hard to remember passwords. If you know me at all you know that I can't remember passwords. Just not a skill I possess. I also have a hard time remembering my password hints. Sorry about it. Sorry I'm not sorry. Perhaps I'll post more on this bloggy from now on. Perhaps I won't. Guess you'll just have to stick around to find out. Hehehe I've got you hooked.
